If you are a stay at home mom, like myself, you have undoubtedly been asked this question, by either your husband, or one of your single girlfriends, or really anyone who does not have kids.
"So, like what do you do all day?"
Am I right? In a non-mom world. SO much can be accomplished in a days time. But when you are a mother especially of toddlers, (I have two, one 3.5 and one 1.5) I find myself trying to remember what all I accomplished while my husband is at work.
Mostly I say, we read, we played, we ate, we ran errands blah blah.
But, I cannot forget possibly the most time consuming of my jobs,
REPAIRING THE DAMAGE from a day at home with my kids.
My husband told me when we had our first child, that one way I show him I love him (you know that love language stuff) is by having the house clean when he gets home from work.
So, I do it, everyday at 2 pm when my kids go down for a nap, I turn the house back to what it looked like before they woke up in the morning.
Here are some examples
(these are pics form today, a TYPICAL day, nothing more than the USUAL mess)
And so on and so on.....
I have often thought one day, I would just not do any of the cleaning, laundry, bed making etc... so Eric could see what the house would be like if I just simply did nothing for a day. But, I dont think that would make anyone happy.
So basically, to my friends with no kids or to my brother that thinks I just chill in my PJ's all day watching Disney movies.
I will sum up my days for you
I make this....
Look like this.....
Even though I have these (working against me)
WOW, what can i say to that? I love my wife! Super MOM for sure
ok eric that was not what I was looking for. I was just defending myself against those who think I don't "work"
That was a great post! All I do all day is clean up messes. Sometimes I feel like I have 5 kids cause along with your kids getting older and going to school comes the many more friends! Your an awesome mom! I loved the days when we could take naps!
Holla BACK!!! I would clean our play room twice a day. That was just the play room. Gavin had a real talent for taking EVERYTHING out at once.
This is by far the best post I've seen in a LONG time. Thank you for sharing the honest truth to all those non-moms. :) The stay at home moms of the world salute you!
So true! Thank goodness for nap time - it's the only sane part of the day to get anything done. Megan has been taking 3 hour naps lately and it's been awesome. See you tomorrow at Sundance!
I LOVE it!!! There are days that I do not get the house back to the order you have shown here! I cannot tell you how horrible I feel this week b/c I have been scattered between Finn teething (and banging into EVERYTHING w/ his new habit of walking), Shane's business 'stuff' that needs done 'NOW', my photo business...which everyone wants photos BEFORE Christmas, cookie exchange tomorrow (can you say 8 dozen!?!?), the parties started last weekend, still have shopping to do,I have some decorations out and Shane did the outside lights..but still no tree : (, and on top of it our ice maker broke on the fridge, I met w/ the Life ins guy today, I have GOT to lose these last 8 lbs of baby weight and my hair desperately needs done. Can we say...CAFFEINE!! I'm not a coffee drinker, but Chai has been my friend!
Thanks for the laugh...and for letting me vent! haha.
Sorry for the LONG comment...and all of your who had to read it!
THANK YOU!! I am so glad that you posted this! I actually was thinking of one day just sitting home and do what most think I do (which would be to drink coke and eat chocolate and watch t.v.) just to see what the reaction would be of the way the house would look. But I am like you.. I think I would go insain if my house stayed a mess for longer then a day. So I once agian am glad that you posted this, so that the men out there that read this can understand that being a stay at home mother can almost be harder then a working dad//lol ( thats why the men dont stay home.. they cant handle it) heheheh
Even when your house isn't clean it still looks great! Stay at home Moms have a big job!
So so true! I hate that question... It's the busiest yet best time of your life. I love you girl!
Amen! I hate that question too! And between cleanings, I spend the rest of my time making sure my 2 year old doesn't pick on my 1 year old.
By the way, your house is beautiful!
I'm glad someone finally had this idea cause I swear everyone thinks a stay at home mom it the easiest job ever. That is for sure not the case. I have just one 1 1/2 yr. old boy who thinks everything needs to be thrown out of his toy room and then he goes to the next room to see what else he can throw and break. So I totally hear ya on this post! Hey and I loved your cute christmas card.
GREAT post! I think all the moms out there will just forward their husbands (or single friends, or silly brothers) to this post if the dreaded, "what do you do all day?" question is asked.
My favorite was the tipped-over chair in the family room! I have to admit, sometimes you seem so put-together, that I have wondered if your children make the messes mine do!
oh.my.word. so funny + true. i hope you tipped that chair for dramatic effect, it looks like a whirlwind in there! hats off to all moms, you do so so much (and way more than just keeping a pretty house).
i hope your kids don't think there is a magic cleaning fairy that comes every time they sleep. :)
Girl you are so right! I love this post and to all the mom's out there, I say you are AMAZING. Especially with a house your size. I loved your Christmas card - you guys are so cute. I hope to see you soon! Love ya.
Hailey and Eric, you are so funny! I totally understand where you are coming from, Hailey. Some guys think all I do is "lay around in my bra and panties all day!" Shows how much they know what women really do. You know, that is great that you clean up after the kids while they are napping, but I've been thinking I don't want to get worn out over the next several years when they start to expect MOM to pick up after them. So I've been making the kids pick up their messes before naps, they leave the house, and bed. They are learning how to work, but don't get it all the time. Hopefully it will start making a difference in the next few years. You are a GREAT mom!
I took up your suggestion and started a new blog... girl you rock! The name makes me laugh every time I look at it. I hope all is well! http://everyonelovesdani.blogspot.com
What a great post I love It! This is so true...
So I really do want another one, I'm going to wrap it and give it to her, because heaven forbid I give her mine!! I want the beloved christmas card for myself!!! She will be thrilled!! Thank you!! That post was hilarious by the way!! But what's my excuse, I have no kids!!
BEST POST EVER! You seem way to perfect to have a thrashed house, I thought I was the only one (but mine gets even worse!). Thanks for making me not feel like the only one
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