Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ready or Not....

Max turns 2 at the end of this month and we are seeing some sneak previews of what the terrible 2's will have in store for us! 


Nicholas and Brittani said...

Those pictures are so cute! That is exactly how my three year old looks every single day. Our terrible twos are nearing an end and I am so thankful for that! You always have the cutest pictures on here!

Sarah Pugmire said...

I love his chair!! Why is it that they always look soooooo happy after they make a huge mess:) So cute!

Scott and Chelsey said...

I love that he is all boy and how ADy is so girly! It kills me. I can't imagine how much you have to bathe that boy!

stacy h. said...

these pictures are too cute hay! but i will admit, they give me some anxiety. i have a hard time letting quincy feed herself, i know it's controlling and crazy. p.s. email me about that class! i want to sign up and take it with you if there is still spots!!

J.Frey said...

Oh man, good luck!! Looks like he is going to be a handful! But, a really cute handful:)

Lovell Family said...

what the heck did you give that kid to eat? I only wish being messy qualified for the terrible twos! You're lucky he'll still sit in a high chair!