Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bunch Ball {socccer}

So last night when I was loading up a bag of soccer balls and game treats in my car, I was thinking "it's official, I am now a soccer mom".
Adyson has started playing rec soccer this Spring for the first time and last night was her first game. Ady and her best friend Cecily Tornow are on the same team because we convinced Eric and Cecily's dad Derrick to be coaches. Which at this age means you are also the game refs. Lots of work with 4-5 year olds who did the following last night
- continued chasing after the ball keeping in play off the field and onto another field
- scored on their own goalie
-occasionally wandered off the field
The funniest part of soccer this age is there is no point in assigning positions because all it is right now is bunch ball, the bunch of girls run kicking after the ball back and forth all over the field all night.
But at least they are out there playing and having fun.

{coach Eric and Derrick leading the girls in a team cheer}

for the first 2 minutes of the game, Ady did this... {see her in the right of the picture below} she stood there with a friend away from the action watching the girls. after a few minutes she decided she could still run around with the group without actually having to touch the ball so she did.

Coach/ref Eric tying some shoes

Max was Ady's #1 fan, he actually really really wants to play but sadly for him, he's got another year or so before he is old enough. Practices are the only time he gets to participate.

Ady got braver as the game went on an actually kicked the ball a couple times, the first time it just rolled right into her legs the second was on purpose.

Another fun part of the game was that the team we played was coached by a neighbor, so here are our neighborhood girls with their dad's (the coaches) after the game. 2 green team girls and 2 blue teams girls. But the only competitive ones are the dads.
Anyway, i was so proud of Ady last night for playing and trying and so glad Eric is such a good dad and is willing to coach cuz its obviously going to be a lot of work.


Amber Lynn said...

i love it!!! how fun for eric tooo!!!

Partyof9 said...

Oh goodness...I so remember my twins doing the soccer thing at 4 years old and the small attention
I will never forget the moment we heard him running down the field (not caring where the ball was)humming the tune of Indiana Jones.
It was hilarious and we tease him about that still today.

The Kimballs said...

Haha! I loved this post! And what a hott soccer mom you make! I remember playing when I was younger and girls would be practicing hands up stands up on the field instead of playing! What a cutie she is with a cutie daddy to coach!

Katie and Matt said...

Too freaking cute! Ady looks so teeny next to everyone too! What a good daddy Eric is to coach the team, I hope Matt will do the same someday when I pressure him, lol

Lovell Family said...

Very cute post! Those shoes of ady's look HUGE! are you sure she can run in them? :)

Devin Bird said...

How fun! I am looking forward to signing Paityn up this year for soccer!! I'm more excited for the entertainment of it all! :)

Devin Bird said...

Opps, my hubby is signed's really me...Jen Bird haha!

Lindsey said...

Soccer Mom is my dream job! I think it's cute to watch kids play soccer because they kind of just run around and kick the ball whereever. Or maybe that's just how I played it ha ha. Miss ya :)