This morning at 2:30 am, We got a call from our brother in law Steve telling us that Eric's sister Lisa's (remember her from HERE) water had broke and they were at the hospital. Lisa wasn't due with her baby until the 20th but we were so excited that their baby girl was coming early. I could hardly fall back to sleep. I texted him at 4 am and she was only 2 cm dialated and wasn't going very quickly so I fell asleep. Then this morning I called Steve to see how she was progressing, and he said he'd call me when they knew. At 10:21 am Steve called to say she was fully dialated and I could come up. So, I raced out to the car and up to Alta View as fast as I could, I got there at 10:50 and their perfect little one had just been delivered 5 minutes earlier at 10:45 am. When I got there they were wiping her down and getting her all cleaned up, and since Lisa and Steve hadn't brought a camera I got to get some pics of my new and only little niece. She is so darling. I love how perfect little newborns are.
I also stuck around for babies first bath and meeting one of her big brothers Zach.

I don't know about you but that post alone makes me baby hungry...
I saw your facebook post and had to check your blog!!! I'm baby hungry for sure. What a sweet little angel! Love the her toes and hair! And most of all, LOVE the way her parents are staring at her in awe and wonder. What a beautiful moment. thanks for sharing!
How cut! You need to add photography to your list of amazing talents.
Thank you so much for posting those. She is perfect!! It makes me excited to have my baby!
Such a celebration! You are a fantastic photographer!
dont tell anyone but im getting baby hungry :) especially seeing that little cutie
Does anyone else think she looks so much like her cousin Ady? There were several shots of her that I could totally see a Kandell resemblance. She's a beautiful baby, and you did a GREAT job with the photos! They will be so glad to have them.
So sweet, you took great pictures! That post makes me excited to have a new baby join us!
They will cherish those pics forever Hay! Way to go and awesome job on capturing some precious moments.
Cute little babe. I want one of those right now! This is kind of random but I saw your sidebar and wanted to let you know that I figured out how to allow more than 100 readers on your private blog. It's working for me so far. Let me know if you want the details! Kristanner at gmail dot com
Hailey, Thank you so much for taking these pictures and posting them!!!! They are GREAT and we really appreciate being able to see our new little granddaughter!!!
I was showing one of Julie's friends, Brooke Thompson, (don't know if you ever met her) but she thought the pictures looked very professional! Thank You again!!!
Look at that hair! SO ADORABLE! Little Easton is a doll with her. And I'd have to say, I'm still very impressed with the camera work. My camera is a piece of junk! Tell Lisa and Steve Congratulations!
I'm going to be up in Utah from about Oct 5-20 so we will have to get together and for sure do a girls night.
Congrats on the new niece! She is darling. Your are a fabulous photographer, you captured some amazing moments!
Nope not baby hungry but excited for them and their new sweetie. What a cutie.
So cute! Thanks for posting pics!
beautiful pictures. but it makes me not want a baby for a sad. i am still too new from having one, but YOU on the other hand...just go get freaking pregnant already!
Sooo cute! Give my congrats to Lisa! I think my favorite it the after bath groomed hairdo. Such a girl already! love it!
she is beautiful, Congrats to the happy family!
Well Crap! I'm realizing that my baby is already too big and not a newborn anymore. So sad, it doesn't last very long.
Yes, looking at all those cute pictures makes me baby hungry! Someday I'll have a little baby Peterson. Congratulations on the new niece! :)
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