Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Way Back Playback....

I had a moment of nostalgia today. I was driving in my car listening to the 90's station (90's on 9) on XM radio. And the song Wonderwall by Oasis came on. Now, I have to admit when I was in 7th grade, i loved Oasis, Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova were like the best songs that I had ever heard when i was 12 years old. So for old times sake I cranked it up, and suddenly I was having all these memories of being a seventh grader, walking down the halls of my junior high school, Centerville Jr. I was remembering people and places, and teachers. I even smiled to myself as I remembered the things I used to want to wear, like the high Dr. marten boots with shorts (ew...) I also used to want to where boys boxers under my jeans, yes thats right and its not like no mom would let me wear baggy "skater" jeans, so I wore boxer shorts underneath fitted jeans. What was i thinking? I also remember I wanted to wear like tee-shirts that said "stussy" on them and weird stuff like that, nothing feminine. It's a long way off from where I am now. I also remember my Jansport backpack and that I wrote all over it with white out, that liquid paper stuff. I wrote things like who I liked, bands I never heard of but that other people said were cool and lists of my best friends. I was enjoying having all these memories and remembering things I haven't thought about it a long time when the song ended and I realized I had arrived at Adyson's preschool to pick her up. And I thought for a second how long ago that was but how I could remember that like it was yesterday. Now I have 2 kids and all sorts of grown up responsibilities. But it was fun to think back .... so if you ever want a little trip down memory lane I suggest flipping on XM to the 90's or in Eric and his friends case the 80's. It's amazing how just some music can sure take you back....


Lovell Family said...

ask eric about skidz....they were really cool when we were in Jr. High....I thought I was really cool cuz I got to wear Eric's hand me down skidz that were way too big...but they were the brand name so I thought I was pretty cool. I remember wearing them with these black shiny shoes that had ribbon-like laces! Nasty!

Jill said...

yes i definitely remember the unfortunate big t-shirt days. what was with that?

Amber Lynn said...

lol, that is so funny! Hey if it makes it any better, I use to duck tape my boobs down in jr. high cuase they were so big that i was embarressed! You can laugh at that one as much as you want.. heheh

Jason and Amy said...

love the 90's on XM. Brings back so many memories I sometimes wish I could forget...talk about embarrasing!

Sarah said...

Sorry Hailey and Amy i have Sirius, but I jam out all the time to the 80's and 90's stations since i have sweet memories of both awesome decades. I remember doing all that crazy stuff too. I was always digging through my brothers closet for sweet stuff to wear. We all have come a long way. Amy used to wear Jencos, haha. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.