Thursday, October 11, 2007

Grandma wore me out!

We spend this morning and early afternoon up in Centerville at my mom's or "Grandma Meema" as Ady calls her. There is so much to do there, Ady is on like overload, there are 2 kittens to chase around, a big backyard with a trampoline and swing set plus Grandma makes treats and soup and everything Ady suggests so by the time we leave, I turn around in the car to ask Ady if she had fun playing at grandma's and this is what I see. Poor Ady, we wore her right out!


Callie said...

Grandma's are the best. I saw your mom at the salon today. She is so cute.

Lisa said...

She looks just like you when she is sleeping...what a little sweetheart!

Lisa said...
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